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There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.


It's our method of music and we are giving people a dose of it!


I am really not sure how my L.L.C. is going to affect my taxes. The way the paper work is filed with the state we are tax exempt. Also its obvious to me that this year Methodose will be filing 0. So I am going to make my Salvation Army Paychecks and then it will be tax time. I really have no next step on investing. What I need more than anything is money in my bank account. Now that I have made the L.L.C. I consider going to the social security office and applying for disability again. Its just a matter of if my Parents will let it happen. I am curious if I can get the custodian job for Salvation Army. Just from reading the bible, disability from SSI and amphetamine would kind of be a circle jerk. I consider it though. I think about our family unit. I know no money will ever come from Michelle's family and I am thinking about how my Dad is going stop working and his half a million and 7k a month is what we have. I don't know, I am going into these Holidays saying it was a long road. I will get tax forms from the IRS now that has  to do with Methodose. I am thinking about not rushing my life. I just want to get my pills and work on our website. Bub and I practice once a week. Michelle bought a Nintendo DS with her $100.00 for pet sitting.  I ordered her 2 games. That was her birthday present. Its pretty neato. I like how its an older system. All of the games we buy for it will be used because of that fact.

We are going through a thing right now where our Medica isn't covering where Michelle got her blood pressure in check and she gets her asthma medicine. Medical bills for that is 1.5k out of my Dad's checking. Her dental bills for all of her cavities is probably going to be 2k. We are trying to decide if State funded Sooner Care is what is feasible for our health insurance next year. The question is does strength of mind take Sooner Care? It is one of those things of why things being illegitimate pisses working adults off. Medical and dental bills are expensive for it to be done the right way. Its why I wouldn't dare try and bring a kid into medical and dental bills I have to cover unless there was indefinite cash flow from jobs and things weren't going on were it was apparent that things werent going to hit the fan that would make us unemployable.    

My Boss from EMSI is the receptionist at my Dads office now. She actually told my Dad to tell me to text her because she would pay me to give her drum lessons. Michelle is skeptical about it because of how life was about how miserable EMSI made us all but after Michelle and I get our pills this week I am going to have a late night take a Adderall and make a pot of coffee talk with her. Tonyas Husband has good money and if I take giving her lessons in my studio foamed office seriously I mean its conceivable it would take so much pressure off how often I have to get my Dads credit card to buy her a carton of cigarettes. If I had 5 students I bet my Dad would move our LLC into a building in a business area!  

I have firm belief that God punishes people for doing that with their guns like it says in a code of a circle jerk because I did that with a knife to my cousins husband before they were Married. Because I wasn't clean when I went home because my Dad didn't give me money to find a replacement I had a small seizure. I am convinced it was because God was punishing me for how annoying that was for my cousin and her boyfriend to function. I find it interesting that Michelle slit her wrist for him being like that. When he did it to me after dark and she got in the shower I had enough of her being suicidal for how he is. That is why cops came into our bedroom and got her out of the shower. I am wondering all through their childhood while he did that to his family members with the internet and his gun Harley being a Phycology major we all wonder when he was harassing people with his gun did admit that he beat his meat thinking about his cousins? Maybe even his Sister. That is why he had a seizure so bad when I quoted the bible that if he didnt have to go to the hospital then he has gone since trust me. I bet all of his family always wondered if someone would bring him down how much sin infested his life that he wouldn't stop doing that.

One of the main points in the MAT class is how you get hepatitis C. I feel like Alice thinks Im stupid that they all lost all of their teeth and they all do meth and she says he got Hepatitis C from being in the Army. Its obvious he was shooting meth. Rodney too. My neighbor at the Greeley house he had hepatitis  C because he was shooting drugs too. My Dad owned that house for 7 years. I didnt see him leave the house once to work. The only time he left was to go buy 30 packs of canned beer. He sat outside his house and called me a pussy. He died after we sold it. I think he had cancer. Stop what Rusty is doing. Seriously the fact that you guys are so hooked on meth makes it to where SSI your only option. I dont understand what makes Ashleigh want to have sex with guys that do illegal drugs? 

You would think that the reason why me saying that to Michael gave him a seizure is because I don't have a gun and he. does. I know the reason it happened is because he has a disease he got from shooting drugs. The idea of the purpose of aids for the sexually immoral and where it came from. Do you think its possible Seamus that Michael just had a seizure for how many days he has had to go number 2 in a unclean environment. What do you think Seamus? Do you think AIDs came from a monkey? Have you seen a zoo keeper clean wear the chimps are at the zoo and what they do with their poop? It makes them violent towards each other living in poop. Same with cats. Seriously I know what kind of environment he has to go number 2 in. Clean your bathroom Seamus.

I would not consider me filing for divorce an unresolved legal issue. Every year since I filed the Government hasn't questioned us filing our taxes jointly. She simply just didn't sign the papers that they ran to the courthouse. I guess saying he just had seizure could be the debt that my Father took time out of his work to pay the $600 to do that. But really I know its because that is what the bible says happens to tweekers. Its overall debt. How they live their life with drugs is illegal. That is why he has none of his own money. Michelle and I have been legally married for 12 years.

I also found it interesting that when Frankie made the post the night Katy shot him it was something about the IRS and his gun. What is interesting I remember in US history in high school reading about how the IRS was founded and the reason why they give people returns is so they can have a boost of a step ahead of people that are trying to form Governments within our Country. I can't believe you thought any amount of money would hide him long enough to where it wouldn't cause debt that would kill people. That is why they give people returns. I am starting to wonder now why Bill got cancer.

I was thinking about Zach and Sabre. Sabre do not have another ceremony. To file your taxes jointly again just go to the courthouse and have them draw up the papers for you guys to sign to be married. That is how the government wont question combining how  you file your taxes. I find it weird that Michael and Ashleigh thought it would be a good idea to have two kids and not file their marriage at the courthouse. How would you prove he owes you child support if their last names are Branton and you were never legally married? He got all of his teeth taking out. Does the Government even know where he is? Tweka Smiga

I bet the cocaine is being boated in from a Island in the Gulf Of Mexico. Does Tommy drive with his gun in his vehicle?

Frankie would call and make up fictitious imaginary stories about Apartments he lived in. The whole time he was at Margarette's. He bought a plane a ticket to come here he showed me a map of where I live and he said we are going to find somewhere to fish. I told him we couldn't go on private property and he cut me off and refunded his plane ticket. I can't believe how they thought life would ever be normal when you guys let him get away with not going to prison. Even when he snuck back to his Parents house Robert and him were drinking moonshine. That is against the law. There is no god damn way I would want him to come here and sleep here. He might not of died if he followed the rules and did his time. The law was after him. Margarette was delusional because he stayed there so long avoiding getting arrested. The fact you let him get away with that was abusive to her money. 

Nicole I would never give Zach a hard time he can't vote because he got a DUI when he was a kid. But I see these things about Active shooters on the news and how out of control gun violence is being 70 days away on us voting for President and I would like know how broke Tommy's felonies has made him.

So what is Jenna's plans now? Who is Tommy and Jenna Voting for? I bet I will be 70 and they will still tell me that Jenna can vote. Has she logged into her social security profile today?

Do they think that it would be possible to ever get a job and keep it with unresolved legal matters? Why didn't they make him go to court and get locked up? Non of them have any idea how the system works and that is why all of them try to make money doing something illegal therefor the only way they can get income on their own is go to the social security office. Seriously when I met Michelle non of the 3 of them even had a bank account. Her Parents let her go to high school never having a bank account.

The internet is a tool that lets people make a different kind of money. Michelle tells me about the drugs with the guy Kenny set her up with when her and I broke up. Part of why Margaret's dimension was so bad was because of how they were all drug dealers and not one single on the internet was truthful. He skipped a court date and he hid in his Grandmas house for years. Michelle tells me about a time with HIV and her helping family skip town to avoid a dhs investigation. The debt that was caused of there was no system of working and the money in the mountains was disability income and they were funding dealing drugs is SSI. Its why Michelle couldnt live there and not be suicidal. Cash Registers is where in the Bible it explains you guys need to do. You guys need to handle and move money everyday there is to many illegal things happening for debt not to harm you. Its why you guys need to work at registers before anyone else breaks the law. God the internet should of been taken away from all of them. I wonder if I can get Dale handcuffed again for illegal drugs? Niga Tweka Mutha Meka


Debt - Seizure / Cancer - Tithing

Part of the science of what I just did is he can't leave his house without getting arrested. Its why it would be impossible to have a job that was legal money if you had unresolved legal issues. A Warrant being an example. Don't tell me that Frankie didn't have a N.C. warrant. He had an underage girl sleeping in his bed right next to his Parents bedroom.

“This is now bone of my bones
   and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
   for she was taken out of man.”

24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame

Lets talk about it. From the Old Testament to the New Testament. We were married in a church. How many people have died because God wouldn't let them get away with doing that to me with their gun? The answer 1. How many people have had a seizure because God wouldn't let them get away with fucking with our Marriage? I don't know the answer to that question. As far as fish/cancer goes. I tithed systematically to Frank and Nancie's church all year. My Mother in Law is cancer free now but she did get cancer removed. I am going to keep tithing. I want her to realize her being a single grandma for the tie being is healthier towards her mortgage and her Grandkids. The only way her boyfriend attempts to make money is drug dealing. With Jenna shooting someone, Rusty cheating and getting arrested. What a living a hell its probably why god gave her that Warning when I sent that church money every week. He is so poor and he is a drug dealer. I swear they sinking in sin. Just one death after another. The fact that they say Rusty Dad's a Pastor what kind of church does he work in? Because one son robbed a store and got locked up and the other has three illegitimate kids with my Sister in Law and he thinks I am going to let him get away with doing Meth with my Wife. Look at what happened to everyone that fucked with my Marriage Rusty. We were Married in a church. Do you think that God will let you get away with it if I keep tithing? 

I can remember being on Facebook and how illegitimate all of their lives were, they were all smoking powder out of bubbles, they were slinging weed, they all had dentures, and they kept posting their guns and immediately called Michelle right after their gun was posted. It was such a circle jerk not only would they not allow people with jobs to keep them but also the way the act made me think of the phrase God Fucking Dammit. That is in the bible too. It kind of says that Presbyterians jobs is to press people to work just like Baptists are supposed to question if people should be Baptized. I am just curious what they think will happen if they live their whole lives being tweekers?

Michelle just had a 50 year old Dave Chapelle comedy special on and he was talking about the Titanic. Just from remembering going through puberty and my vhs tapes. They kind of made the Titanic movie has like a soft porn element to it. I was also talking to my friend about the group of girls that I knew Robin with and how above the law they all thought they were. I wonder if it stopped Robin from graduating CCC for how they were. One of them that I took to the YMCA to chill was working at strip joint when this was all going on and Shannon was with that drug dealer. I just want to say its not normal for house to be filled with porn and its not normal to treat getting naked to get paychecks like that. As far as having a crap load of friends you trust, and marriages not being destroyed. for how they were the fact that Robin was in school and her husband cheated on her. I guarantee you he can't touch me on the drums. I pray that for how above the law they all thought they were I hope that it didn't stop Robin from Graduating CCC.

I'm just curious now what does the felony say that Jenna did that on her record? Ashleigh ride clean as a whistle. I guarantee this situation how Rusty and Jenna have both been arrested and Jenna shot someone if you arent clean dont ride with anything illegal in your car. I guarantee you they are going to see if they can catch you guys with something illegal. It would not surprise me if a cop follows you guys around and searches someone's car. I can't believe they are adult delinquent's who ever taught them through school growing up should be ashamed how they didnt teach them not to have happen what has happened. Ashleigh I am serious. Be expecting for them to try and catch someone riding dirty. They are going to start handing out drug charges how she just got away with shooting someone.  


As far as filing the Ownership with the Federal Government so I can use our EIN code to open a Business bank account for Methodose L.L.C. I need to have something typed up and turned in by tax season because the L.L.C filing 0 is going to make something happen with a tax return and if it does I am going to put it in our bank and leave it in there. Every L.L.C. needs a safe. Once we are formed full membered. I need to type something up and upload to the Secretary of States Office, and we will have to file a partnership agreement at the bank. Also to make this really legitimate the six Members of Methodose L.L.C. are going to upload our IDS to legal zoom so that the Lawyer that filed our papers will have a copy of all of our drivers licenses. This is the next step. Lets figure out something to do where it will be enough money where it will matter to the IRS. 

I just went to a Walgreens and bought Zquil. I am out of Risperidone and lithium and I am nine days away from refills. I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I got drugged up on Benadryl for how I am out of meds. Its really pushing me not getting my Adderall and my risperidone and lithium dosages being so low. I see her again 10 / 28.


Someone is coming tomorrow that is going to be able to fix the dryer. Its why my Dad gave me $200. Seriously I am just going to have to dry out on resperidone and lithium for probably 5 or 6 days. Its way to soon to get refilled what I am prescribed. Its why I am glad zquil is OTC.


The Tulsa World Career fair is the 5th. The Salvation Army bell ringer cook out is the 5th. Coheed and Cambria is the 5th.  

I wonder how those kids feel with that kind of rap music and how none of them are aware that shooting people is illegal. I am so glad that my Parents gave me my address book back. I am going to keep an eye on Margarette's house. No one worked in it for years. Was Frankie even capable of having the responsibility of keeping the grass cut all that time he lived there and said he lived in New England on facebook? With how they are slinging Coke most likely we have to much money for it be safe for any of them to ever come visit us. I don't know if they realize that illegal drugs makes you unemployable and shooting people is illegal. It would be a disaster if Michelle and I had a kid and we expected any financial support from her Parents. Its why I want to have them arrested for the cocaine. If he ever posts his gun again and immediately calls Michelle's phone I will give that church so much money that it will fucking kill him the next time. Shooting people is illegal.  

You know how I say it puts me in a tight spot how grown men in Michelles family act like they are playing War on the internet with their guns like they are in elementary school and they havent been taught that is against the law yet? I tell Michelle I am going to have her arrested all the time for how bad her temper is. I wonder if it put Nicole's X Husband in a tight spot for how he is a homicide detective and everyone knew Frankie skipped a court date where they were going to give him time for beating the shit out of someone and him and lynn just slept at their Grandmas in Florida. How their Parenting saying that was OK destroyed so many years. They just kept talking about how he had a job. There was a pile of needles under Rodney's bed at her house. It must of pissed Frank off so bad that he had such an important role in the Army and Robert and Alice let him do that. Even after all of it a girl brought him into her apartment, let him get her pregnant and he still posted his gun in the middle of the night like he was going to shoot someone.

It mentions Al Qaeda in the Holy Bible. The words Israel being at War and Cease Fire is mentioned in the Holy Bible. Can you remember their website that Earthlink hosted Tommy? Can you remember what that looked like on the internet with their guns? Is your mental capacity able to comprehend why posting your gun and immediately calling someone's house is against the law?  I wonder if the people that bring the cocaine into America on a boat have guns too?

After getting Zquil with Tylenol in it and a bag of Arbys I have $176.00 in cash. I can't spend anymore money until the dryer guy comes between 3pm and 5pm. He only takes cash or check.


  • As of 03-Sep-2024

    7:14:07 PM ET

This is where my Roth IRA is at on the EVE that we elect a Mayor for Tulsa County. Me voting for Donald Trump in the Primaries is basically because he earned a Billion dollars before he was President. I agree that America having a Women President would be significant just like electing someone that is Black. But the Billion Dollars he earned. I want to see what him getting a second term will do to the economy. This Winter the 2 things I have going on that has to do with earned income is. 

1. Salvation Army Bell Ringer

2. Filing ownership with the Federal Government of the Methodose L.L.C. so if it filing 0 creates a return for 2024 I will just keep it in our bank account.

Niga Tweka Mutha Meka: We all know what it says in the bible happens to tweekers. Meth Amphetamine will cause debt and death. Buying illegal drugs is not how you make life like heaven.

I was thinking about this Seth Myers performance I want to reach to and who I would put in the 3 person choir of back up singers for the performance to hit a 4 part harmony of an acoustic Without You in the chorus where he screams in the version I have posted. Andy Skib from the David Cook bands is one person I would put into the choir suit and tie. There was this female vocalist I had coming over to the Greeley house for a while when Michelle and I broke up for two years before we got Married. Her name is Robin. She went to Community Care College too. I don't know if she graduated. Her husband was a drummer, he cheated and they divorced. I found it extremely befriending and attractive that she found me when I had a flat tire and she helped me put the Toy tire on. I could see her in the choir, with a poke dot dress and pig tales, in the 4 part harmony chorus of an acoustic Without You on Seth Myers tonight show. For the 3rd .member of the choir I'd say David Cook Ill ask when it comes time. Andy was who I started playing drums with but when he went to Holland Hall he was not in the same neighborhood anymore. I've never worked with David him and Andy were doing Midwest Kings and touring with Caroline Spine when I was doing Methodose in 2001. 

Jed - will hit the highest pitch of the vocal swell.

Robin - second highest note

David - Middle

Andy - Bass vocal note in the vocal swell in the chorus of a acoustic Without You

I am not going to write them in positions in on our website because instruments are still forming but for people I know I think that will work. The chorus is going to go from loud and aggressive to acoustic and a vocal 4 part harmony swell on Late night. I know if we present it well in the long run they will say we can do it. Amy will be able to convince him if we get our shit together. She really did visit me when I was in the ICU when I almost died.

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Michelle just had one of probably 4 appointments at the doctor where she gets her asthma medicine to get her blood pressure in check. She has to log it for a month and report back to her but now she doesn't have to go back for a year. Its been a normal reading for 3 days in a row. It is kind of one of those things why Adderall is a controlled substance. Hers in check in now so she isnt going to get cut off from it. You have to be careful with it in the Summer. Its why I am on a 3 month break from it right now. All I am saying is I like the way I feel better for "working" when I take a pill like that. Now there is a difference between work and job its a matter of finding balance with a drug like that. I am planning on being prescribed it this Winter.

Jenna was locked up for 10 months, they let her out and Ashleigh invited her over. Rusty has also been arrested receently.

Are they going to put all of their effort into the Christmas Tree Farm? Seriously they all need to work. I can sit here an say that. Yeah Jenna was locked up for 10 months. Has Rusty or Jenna done Meth in the last week?

I think one the reasons why it annoyed me so much that the only way my Dad communicated with me is if he private messaged me on facebook was that I was connected to all of them on facebook and if I posted something on my wall they would call Michelle's phone.

It really is time to be quite and learn how to drive somewhere everyday to get paychecks. I am curious are they going this year without car insurance just like they are without health insurance? What was the purpose of having Jenna over?

I am amazed that Ashleigh lets him sleep in that house when he had sex with another girl and they arrested him. Now if Jenna has another court date don't let her skip it and go to another State! What happened when Rusty had to go to court for getting arrested? How many felonies are stacked up now? Where is the Meth Lab Rusty?

I can still remember when we were kids and Harley set me up on a date with Megan Dunkelberg. We cruised in my volvo and listened to Simon and Garfunkel. She was someone that I wished I had her number and she was part of the traffic of people coming to my house. Rachel Cope and Renee Williams was also girls I wished I never hooked up with. Its hard not say when you start talking about why people get cancer. Harleys Dad was the President of a Williams. Renees Dad owns Williams. Harley lived in Venezuela a lot of our childhood because of the role his Dad made with the Science of Gasoline. I hope they all know I would of chose hangin out all the time and my phone ringing instead of all of us trying to have sex when we werent Married. I just plan it. The 6 members of my LLC is set. Maybe we could eventually play a show in the parking lot of Rachels Pizza joint. Kate, Kayla, and Lizzy Spears too. I want to make this L.L.C. a band so good we can play shows and it be 1k people in the crowd every time we play. One connection at a time. I have been prescription only my entire marriage. I wish that I would of chosen my phone ringing and people hanging out instead of people hooking up to make things so awkward we had to move to Broken Arrow to make it to where our neighborhood wasn't a hell hole for how little no one just came over to say whats up. That is how I feel about Angie, Regina, Kristin Pender, too. I lost my virginity because I told Kaitlin I would rather go into high school being steady with Rachel Dorsett. No matter what I did Rachel wouldn't have it that way. The way so many people were with drugs and alcohol I bet there is a lot of people that I grew up with that are broke and going into being 40 years old not even having Marriage come up once. I would of chose to be hanging out all the time with all of them opposed to "fooling around and trying to get laid"

My first real job I got after Michelle and I were legally married was for David Weaver. When the Weavers fired me I probably got 13.5k from unemployment for the next year. Standing in that small room 8 hours a day, watching felons, straight out of prison, pee in cups, made me go home every night, pace, chain smoke, and realize most of the people I grew up with ended up in drug court. I would say them taking me off the pay roll did affect my Marriage. But I can't say I could raise a kid and him not be a faggit when that is how I earned the money to make him. It made me miserable. 5 days a week I trucked 300 guys through a bathroom, watched them pee, and then organize the tubes of urine. I was going to keep going because for the first time since I worked at Whirlpool I was writing the checks for my bills on my own. The strength really was in numbers when they fired me. I made it virtually impossible for anyone to bad mouth me. I was sending a check for a hundred bucks to a church every 2 weeks when I got paid. So things move on. Drug Court is done at another business now. I would never invite any of them over to my house for how god damn angry they were everyday. I will say I didnt even master bate for a year because I had to watch 300 felons pee every day, 5 days a week. I really did make it impossible for them to fuck me over for how much earned income I gave to churches.

For Joni and Marlon to trust me to chill with Harley and Keir again. I don't smoke weed, Michelle does. I have been off of cigarettes for 6 years. I took Adderall for years, right now I don't. I drink liquor sometimes. I am at a point where my Dad really trusts me with money because I haven't done illegal drugs the entire 12 years we have been married. I would be a lot happier if we 3 lived close and we could work and play our instruments together every night. 

- Eric

Michelle's Dad asked how much our new house cost. I told him 145k, then he said Ill mail you drugs. That night he had a heart attack. Just thinking about what it says about putting people somewhere apart "apartment" from problems. I don't know what kind of drugs was in his body the night he had a heart attack but I do their house doesn't have air conditioning and he was as bad as a chain smoker as me. I bet they have so many unpaid Medical Bills, he just kept smoking and using and his debt killed him. I understand that because I read the bible.

With Tim Hansen the way that my Dad was being where if I went to church he would tell me to work. If I was mowing his lawn it was almost like he would private message on facebook and tell me to work while I was mowing his lawn. Kaitlin was locked up for 5 years. I worked at Weaver where her brother did the drug court testing. My Dad had to private message the news and get them to talk about me. I lost my job because of how hyper they all were on facebook. Life was a living hell. Its why I started doing what my Grandpa taught me. I made the mail box my point and I systematically sent them lawn mowing money. 

Getting to where I am ahead 3k was so hard. I will never let anyone fuck with my money. I couldn't smoke anymore my Dad has one of the highest paying jobs in town and he would not leave me alone. Most of pain was caused because he kept private messaging me. I dont play fantasy football anymore in his league. I feel like he wants me to be at every company in town all at once. You know my Grandpa told me he thought my Dad got cancer before I was born because someone was tithing. He Faught in a world war. I honestly think that Tim got cancer and died because how everyone was treating Michelle and I and I sent all of lawn mowing money to fumc every week and I got a doctor to drug me heavily so I could quit smoking. 

I can remember before Shannon started living with that guy that was a drug dealer. I found it interesting that they all sat there and claimed they read the bible and they thought that dealing drugs was ok. Its implanted into my brain how drug dealer is right there next to seizure and cancer in the code of a circle jerk. I can remember her telling me she could get ahold of shrooms and I allowed it because I didnt think Michelle was going to come back and I didn't finish my diploma at CCC. I can remember her leaving after a night of us taking them and the second I drove the next morning a cop confronted me. She came walking to my front door days later crying. After that she went to live with that drug dealer and she ended up getting 5 years for having 20 pot plants. I was lost when I said it was ok that I would partake in that. I did stuff like that when I was kid. Shrooms, MDMA, LSD and Shrooms. Its probably why I feel closer to normal if I am prescribed a C2 stimulant. Saying I want Robin in the Jed's back singers I want to tell Shannon she needs to stay clean and get a physiatrist to give her the good stuff if that what she needs not to do illegal drugs. The fact that I wrote the White House and all States voted on Marijuana during Shannon's sentence does make it to where I perceive its possible for her to get hired for a real job and realize how collecting SSI when your a kid makes drugs and alcohol. I bet she would feel great from how much she probably took shrooms if a doctor gave her a bottle of amphetamine every month. I bet she would keep where she lives freakishly clean if a physiatrist did that. 

Our dryer is broken so we have been going to the laundry mat on Main Street BA. I'm glad actually because it forced Michelle to leave the house after dark and do work. She has no felonies just like me. I like her being on Adderall. Its hard for her to be outside not at home at night time and not want to go to the liquor store. Its one reason why my LLC will never leave this house into a building in a business area unless things are clean and people work and not get drunk day and night. You know how I said Amphetamine got me clean it keeps her off alcohol. Honestly the way it is when people drink like she does they are not strong enough mentally or physically to keep a job more than a week. I am eager for my band mates Wives to start teaming up with Michelle. Its not illegal to be in public driving when you take Adderall. It makes people think through Alcoholism too.

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Grateful Dead and Melvins have both made great albums with 2 drum kits. At the point of having a building and we all 3 had houses in The B.A. I could see playing bass and Harley's Brother playing guitar in something that we continuously make albums for where a flute track would be the lead track.  


Here is a think piece. When I worked at Weaver I was mailing $100 a paycheck to FUMC. When they talked about me on the news because my Dad obviously told our old neighbor too they fired me.  Their employees weren't mentally stable enough to see my car that illegal hit. When it went to a year of unemployment I stopped tithing. I  find it interesting what Kenny, Tommy, and Frankie doing that with the intranet and their guns resulted to. The way I was raised maybe Tommy and Kenny would have gotten away with it if I wasn't tithing my money like that. Beyond death is something that we cant comprehend. Heaven and Hell should be what your state of life is like on Earth. If you read the whole thing. I strongly believe after life their is a afterlife that is Heaven Purgatory and Hell. Just by reading the bible and what it says. I know that Tommy had seizure because he was doing that to me with his gun, I slept at my Parents because I could stand how obnoxious her family is, I filed for divorce, that  cost $600, Michelle was gone for a week. Her 2k ran out, she asked to come home, I quoted the Bible after I knew she was getting on the plane, and he had a seizure. Kenny had a heart attack and he died because he was doing that. I just kept sending money to churches. I am amazed that they are legally allowed to have guns when they are such terrorists. If I did that to someone I wouldnt feel like its safe to die of old age unless I send them an apology and a check for $600 to my Dad. Its important that you teach your kids the Bible so they know their is that type of consequence for sin and not working. I actually took the liberty of finding out how people that have no money file for divorce. The strength of numbers came from me mailing money to churches the whole time it was going on. That was why the numbers gave  him a seizure. But to get him handcuffed I had to leave a trail that was going to be in police officers systems. I explained the whole thing about the cocaine and the gun on the internet, how he wouldn't stop calling and he was causing me to get a divorce because she was choosing her coke head cousin over the person that has stayed clean and his Dad took 145k out of his money and bought a roof to put over her head. I am sure he looked at the courthouse records when I told him she was coming home and I told him that  police officer I grew up with I needed him arrested by the Florida police so he would leave me alone. See Nicole is a police officer but it is obvious she doesn't arrest people in her family. That is why I told a Tulsa Police officer and I didn't try and find Nicole's email address so I could talk it out so he would get away with being a terrorist. I am still wondering can we find where they bring the cocaine that almost made me get a divorce into America? It would save thousands on dentists bills. Tweka Smiga Riga Diga.


With bringing Harley and Keir into Methodose our system of growing will become flawless. Harley's Dad was the President of Williams. Their net worth as a company was in the Billions. Keir's Dad really does build air planes. With the idea of every member in this band living in my square mile and us getting something built on an open acre where it would the Methodose Studio, we would keep a trailer parked on something that was paved on the property of the studio and we worked hard on playing like angles together for the rest of working lives with the instruments I have assigned everyone we could just constantly work together to figure out a catalog that would make us flawless and legendary. I'm getting older it was time I say I want to put this together and it keep going. Bub lives in Beggs, Jed in creek county, Evan is in Norman. Our system is being organized by me building this website. The distance of everyone's homes is going to make it to where practice once a week is what is going to be realistic. Maybe my Dad should have a town house built in my backyard and we can make that our studio.

I applied for a custodian job at the Salvation Army shelter. If I get it full time my Dad will keep in me in lessons with Jeff. With this two drummer thing if Keir and Harley both had houses in my neighborhood I would give them keys so they could come in my backyard anytime they want and do work in the studio we are going to build. Keir it would be bomb if our L.L.C. was completely self contained on being able to record. Keir if you build that keys rig that I said I am healthy enough to work with you on drums for 70 more years. Buy a house in my neighborhood. We are getting older don't you want to be where your Dad is? I want the best man spot at both Harley and Keir's weddings. If we don't do anything illegal Methodose will grow to a point to where we will be unstoppable. Harley as far as what you should get first of what I said get congas and take some lessons. Lets play on Seth Myers late night show! Listen to Without You. Think about how we could calm it down and put congas, keys, and a 3 person choir. The video is on you tube. That is the song I want Seth and Amy to convince the network to let us play it on National Television.

I need to do my best by keeping a job. It's the only way I am going to earn a building for our L.L.C. from my Father.

Benzodiazepine / amphetamine - Circle Merkle Jerkle Jackle - Pharmacy / Drug Dealer - fisherman, internet gun harassment - ( Debt - Debt) Fish - Cancer


Prescription, Job, Bank   

Jeff does have openings at his stores in Muskogee and Tahlequah for drum lessons with him. I am trying to decide if I would rather take lessons in person. I am realizing I need to make a plan to work on my instrument but at the same time be on a schedule where I am on a course where I will continuously pay my own bills.

I can remember when my Parents bought me my first house for 70k. I quoted the bible and the same thing happened to me back then about that operation I had to have from smoking to much weed and things being unbalanced after I quoted the bible there. I was able to quit smoking cigarettes too in 2007 when I got that house but as time went on and Michelle and I got jobs, I got used to earning my own money, I started smoking again, and I was never able to take a break again like I could when I quoted it to where I could just get the drugs I needed and stay home and quit. Circle Jerks developed and to stay clean I smoked cigarettes.

As my life starts to balance out in this house from quoting it I am not going to allow myself to start smoking again. I can't fuck up in this house about my health and be irresponsible. We don't need to move again. My Parents neighborhood and ours is basically connected. 

If Bub and Evan got reasonably sized combo amps and we worked hard all the time, I will probably just take Adderall. Now that I don't smoke I drink liquor and I stay out of trouble. We will be able to develop a band night life with no one drinking and driving with how I own my house and if someone gets drunk sleep in the guest room. 

With my Sister in Laws kids her first husband that she has two kids with lost all of his teeth and now her boyfriend she has 3 kids with lost all of his teeth. His Brother robbed a store and got 5 years, he went to another girls house so I had him arrested. It makes me so mad that Alice kept telling me he keeps a job in Fast food. He is another example of someone that is hooked on meth. Its why he lost all of his teeth. I had him arrested because if things got anymore unbalanced someone else could possibly die. They couldn't make it through last school year without dhs investigating them. He was 100% wrong for having three kids with her and trying to move onto another girl to have sex with. That's why they handcuffed him. You know Robert probably did get kicked out of the  Navy because he is so irresponsible but he was in the Navy. At one point he was held to that standard before drugs fucked his life up. Ill tell you the quickest way for dhs to come to your house. Them finding out you are doing illegal drugs in the same house as your kids. I see how much dental work Michelle is having done and the damage is only from smoking. I would like to figure out how the cocaine is coming into Florida and I would also like to figure out who all still has meth labs going in Ashe County and shut them down. I am serious they couldn't make it through last school year without dhs coming to their house.

The Ownership Of Our L.L.C.

I am going to have to file something with the Federal Government before  this tax season. IDS loaded into legal zoom, signed Partnership agreement from the 6 of us loaded into legal zoom, and at the bank where I use the EIN code that the LLC was given. It's about functioning. Its going to be hard to make decisions about this website that are rational without individuals having earned income from paying jobs. I do something to get paychecks the day after tomorrow. I want to get it all organized so as a 6 piece we can develop a scheme where this LLC will earn enough money to where it will matter to the IRS.


How about NBC giving Amy a studio in Tulsa County and Methodose L.L.C.  rehearse to be her shows house band? If we had a building to practice in and we were routine of rehearsing we could do so well at a gig like that as a group of 7. I am not even going to say a time slot. We need to work as a group to get good enough for that to happen in our adult lives. Ellen DeGeneres was my English teacher in the 5th grade. She taught me the comma system.  

Right now I am using a laptop I bought at Walmart. At the point that Bub and Evan buy those combo amps and they start making me a solid drummer just by us playing in my small studio foamed room. I have Jed's cell now so at points of being ready for Jed to work on stuff so we can move towards getting paying gigs. I can just text him now. I emailed him a password for him to be able to log into his email address attached to this URL. For recording our practices I would just install audacity onto my laptop and we would plug my mixer into the computer. It has a USB out I can capture a stereo recording with. I studio foamed this room because I wanted to make Methodose a band again with a budget. I had a lot of free time when they gave me a card for 18k because of all the unemployment I saved up from Covid - 19 and Mcdonalds being closed. I also have stock in my Roth IRA for Mcdonalds. At some point to get the files I still have from Methodose at Valcour I am going to have to have a hard drive pulled out of a broken computer and put into a new computer. All the rest that is lost on that broken computer is insignificant. My resumes on the computer were so old. There is a shop where this guy builds computers. When I go back to a desktop with studio monitors I will have him build me a computer with the 2 hard drives the laptop I am now replaced. It was interesting having a reset and loosing everything. Our Cox bill is as low as it has ever been.

I bet they all wonder if Meth - Internet Gun Harassment, or cocaine - internet gun harassment justified having people handcuffed? Its not about developing a court case. If people are doing something that is stopping your family from functioning and having a job so you arent starving then it is justified to tell a police officer so someone that is in uniform and has a gun can confront them, to put pressure on them, so they know they are not going to get away with it any longer. I wonder if having Michelle arrested let her cousins know if we adopt a kid I am not going to let them destroy our lives by being like that. I will not pretend like any of them have ever had a job that mattered to the IRS the entire time I have been with Michelle. Nicole got a divorce because of how stressful they make life. When I worked at drug court and Kenny was doing that he put me in a tight spot. To make it to where I could keep my job I needed to have cop confront him so he would leave me alone. Its one of those things. Its a matter of what I won't allow into my family.

I just wanted to tell Jed, Bub, Evan, Cale, Regina, Angie, Q ,where I am at on paying the 1.2k for Drum Set Performance 101 in the Fall Semester of Berklee Online. My First goal for Berklee is to get the drum certificate. So I have a Salvation Army job and a job at Bios. Now I have to see if my Dad will let me under the terms I work my 2 jobs. I emailed and I asked him. They get back from Nashville tonight. I still have 30 days until the Fall Semester starts. It would last 12 weeks. I can't do more than one class at a time. At least starting. I admit I failed my first class but I never logged in to the video meetings. Also I needed to spend more time figuring out how to count the snare etudes aloud. It was very rushed. I was making no cash. It would be different this Semester. I asked my Dad.

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The RX recipe to quit smoking for my friends

I wouldn't have been able to do it at a place the doesn't prescribe controlled substances of psychiatric drugs. Wellbutrin is what is going to cure the cessation and make you feel not addicted to it. For quitting I got my physiatrist to drug me heavily with Adderall during the day and Ambien for at night. The whole time I wore nicotine patches. I also was on risperidone and lithium that doesn't have to do with getting rid of cigarettes in my opinion. I was on 5 prescription drugs and also patches.  I was horribly addicted to it. If our band can become where non of smoke cigarettes I am telling you the cash that will remain in our bank accounts instead of buying cigarettes will be enough to tour internationally. It honestly creates a debt that people can't get out of. I was so bad about cigarettes that in a way it made me unemployable. With how I saw Patrick get his truck searched, what Quinton looks like on the internet. All of it What happened to Kaitlin and Shannon about prison. I couldn't stop chain smoking. I need to be drugged heavily to quit. Its a much different way than doing it with just patches. I felt hopeless about with just patches. Right now Im not on adderall. In 3 months I go back I need to get my jobs in line where I have earned income to justify being able to take a C2 stimulant month after month. I will just say this. I dont think I could of worked when I was on all of those drugs to quit. I feel like Tobacco at certain point makes people disabled.

My last cigarette was Nov. 6th 2018. 2,116 days times $6.50 = $13,754


That number makes it more realistic that I am going to be able to convince my Dad to buy me a 2024, automatic, 4 door, covered bed truck w/4 wheel drive. Every day I build more and more credit with him for how much of a fuck up I was about cigarettes for years. Its 5.7 years quit now.

As the seasons fall I can feel the rush of Summer calming. I can feel it in my body every year. We have Medica health insurance. It's $35.00 a month. I am missing my amphetamine pills. I am going to ask her for them again. The mental aspect of them for me is life changing but also the physical aspect of how it stimulates the parts of my body where I have had broken bones or operations also changed me life. My hair is going grey. It was inevitable that I was getting to an age where a Doctor was going to have to put a controlled substance in my house. I keep thinking about at the start of the new health insurance year I am going to sign up for Best Life dental insurance on top of our Medica health insurance. I wish we had dental for all of the dental work Michelle is having done right now. I know how Jed is moving and I know how his brother died. I think his brother was in drug court. I keep wondering should I expect Jed to quote the Bible? I know Bub needs to. Evan defiantly does. I am telling you Covid - 19 was me quoting it. If we all four quote it and we keep this L.L.C. our Point my Dad will help us. My Dad has enough money to get me out of this home again if he has to but I don't want to have to give him a reason to. If we were all four really solid about being dedicated I know he would build us a building to have a studio in. Look if we can think of something to do that will matter to the I.R.S. my Dad will help us. Our next step is simply just getting it to where we practice once a week at Michelle and my house. I was thinking about what I would do if my Dad gave me a lump sum of money for our L.L.C. Like what I would do with 100k? Or what I would do if I borrowed 100k from a bank on a business loan? Asking the question "How is our band going to make money?" To get a company like Virgin to put the 4 of us on the payroll saying they would give us money to make albums, fund tours, and us earn money by doing it. We need to get to a point as a band to where we are fluent at nailing a catalog of stuff. While we work on that we need to play small shows, making one connection at a time. Views will happen if all six of us give money we earn systematically to churches from our jobs. That is how it will happen. That is how we are going to find a very large network by us helping them with their ministry they will help us by listening and having conversations about our work. My next thing is a new truck. It will be multiples of thousands. A new truck could cost 40k. I need a work vehicle. On my youtube drumming video I have laid out 4 goals. Evan. Bub, Jed, we need to practice once a week. Our families wont let that happen if we don't work and get paychecks. I keep thinking if we had a building where we were self sustained on recording and Eric Clark worked for us running sound. I would want to do things like record pieces with a keyboardist, or maybe even recording some Methodose tracks and Amy driving here and seeing what she can add to the recordings with that flute I know she has but she never plays. I have written Richard at Virgin a lot of ideas that were used since I was in high school. Virgin took a huge risk on the Sex Pistols because how they were. A Methodose that is clean, married, and hard working, if we mail something to him that we make and we earn sitting in his office I want to be able to show a binder of our catalog. It's worth saying. Its why I want to start practicing and communicating. I kind of can record at my house now!

Michelle and I are going to work and save up numerous sums of cash in all of our accounts and bring one kid into our Marriage eventually. The fact that anyone Michelle grew up with was ever given a gun was a mistake. Adults and Kids. This thing with Jenna where she shot someone. All of them are just like how it is with people that were in my life when I was in high school, Its why my Dad moved us to B.A. there is people that know how to make Meth, and they are all hooked. It's why non of them have jobs and a lot of it is leading to death. Its the same thing with her family in Florida, they know how to get Coke and they are hooked. The fact they have guns disgusts me. A lot of it disgusts me I'll be honest. I look at how they are with their guns, on their obituaries about their  jobs I just find it so hard to believe. That number of your assets and your savings equaling $1,000,000 like it says 40/1000 in the Bible is true. Just Michelle tells me what they all do and I think about do they no even realize that their choices have no other possible outcome but failure and death? The adults she tells me things about her Aunt and her Parents and I say "God, no wonder they always struggled so much to be self sufficient". Her Grandparents had good money but how could Frank and Nancy trust them with money at a certain point when they were all smoking meth? I hate to say it the adults too. I am disgusted by so much of it.


Methodose is going to be a clean Methodose. That is the only way this L.L.C. will be able to do any business!  

I can remember being in high school and recording at Hanks with just me and Evan touching up things, trying to make the drum parts more complicated. We were eating up time, we just kept using more and more time. I think that is why it was hard to get Jed to show up because we were doing it and we didn't have the money in our bank accounts to pay for what we were doing. I gave him a check for $800.00 in 2001 and Angie picked the 5 she didn't want to be lost and erased all of the rest of them off my computer. The math of how we had 20 recordings and we owed 3 thousand dollars for them it was not business that was going to make something popular. It was business that would make debt obvious and make people unwell. I have known Seth and all of those West Tulsa groups of friends since I was a Freshman in high school. All of those guys that were in local bands and it was non profit. At one point I was tight knit with them when I was in high school. Over the years I haven't heard from any of them. It's constant. They all want to have some sort of structure with a set band to play with, it's all so scrambled, and all of them are so unorganized on how to communicate with people that girls dislike them. I am going to keep this website just like it is. I have seen Evan with his girl in the last couple of years when I was getting paychecks from Salvation Army. When I first moved out of my Parents house I wrote Angie a letter and I told her to find Evan and tell him to tell Everyone he was dead. It talks about in the bible people needing to do that. I can tell honestly famous people do that all the time. The way that it was no one ever organized it for Evan to where he had a band that was structured together to where he could think straight without life being a party to where he could handle working for a radio station long term so he could pay his own bills and have a project that he played music with. This website is going to be able to keep the four of us tight knit. Now I am just thinking about Evan using his degree from Tulsa Broadcasting School and being able to practice at my house once a week. I am going to have to reup the funds on how this website is paid for after the first of the year. The mailbox that has four email addresses built into this URL is pricy. My Dad would be happier about paying for that mailbox if there was some unity on me posting pictures of everyone. Maybe getting Bub to shoot a guitar video in my studio and Eric Clark doing the video and sound. 

Lets talk about things that "matter" to the IRS. Mowing 4 lawns a week would not be enough money to where it would matter to the IRS. My taxes will probably be simple enough to just put them into the computer and it will figure it out for me my whole life. I hope it's not but its far from being so complicated I would have to get someone besides my Dad to do them for me.

With Property taxes if I was paying property taxes and my Dad wasn't around I would probably get someone to do my taxes for me.

As it is my taxes are not complicated. We just put Michelle and My W2s into a computer program and it gets them to the IRS instantly and on the State Returns sometimes it happens within 24 hours. I am far away from owing money on my taxes. My Dad does his own taxes but if I made money like my Dad I would pay someone to do my taxes. Math is my weakness and I am afraid I would do it wrong, owe them money, and then they take something away.

How my Cousin Amanda really does talk like she is trying to convict me of a crime, how Michelle was told that my Uncle John doesn't come around because he doesn't like my Dad. My Mom told me that Amanda has instructions on what to do with her ashes when she dies. I'll be honest what I am expecting is in 40 years when my Parents die, I still don't think any of my cousins will ever call me, and I think my Mom's siblings that are still alive after they are gone will come after the papers on my property and they will come after all of my Parents money. How they have all treated me the 12 years I have been Married how could they blame me for feeling that way? I just don't see it happening. I don't see them ever having anything to do with me and if times get dark I do not trust them to not stab my in the back with the Money my Dad worked is whole life for. Especially Teri. My Grandpa always said yeah she spied on the Russians but what do they do to make money now? He said that to me in 1990. My Dad has to be extremely aware of where money goes. If he doesn't control us with money there is people in Michelle's family where it would just be felonies it would be funeral arrangements for how out of control they are. I don't understand why my Mom told Amanda what do with her Ashes. Can Amanda even afford the Gas to drive to my house on her own without John giving her gas money? 

I understand now how they are why my Parents said if something happened to my Parents while I was a kid that I would go live with Dave, Linda, and Carrie. Honestly half a million and 7k a month will be a healthy retirement. I still think Dave, Linda, and Carrie should move to Tulsa County. I think there is enough casinos to keep the two of them busy, Carrie and Michelle could learn to do something where the same job would last a long time. Like maybe my Dad buying us something like a fast food restaurant. A Pizza world or something. He had the idea of buying a liquor store. I  thought it was a horrible idea. Dispensary, Alcohol, or Pharmacy would fail us. I think coffee shop, or restaurant with a stage for live music.  

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A following step of the construction of this website is I want a picture of instrument in hand of Evan and Bub so I can set them up with the ability to get a few students for guitar and bass. Eventually this website will have taking payments online connected but not until the giving lessons idea shapes more.

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Star and Meke


I want my Dad to buy one and put it in Broken Arrow. We could put a stage in it for live music. This is my Biological Father's families business. His Dad started it. My Dad worked at one when him and Dave were at ISU in the 60s.

For once a week practices at Eric and Michelle's

I have a 16 channel mixer with 2, 1000 watt powered speakers. With all four of us holding jobs I vote to have a sober Friday night practice at my house from 7pm to 12pm every week. Accept that because my house is stone and those amps if we played until midnight, it was not on a school night, and no one was driving drunk, we could do that schedule for years and no cop in Tulsa County would have a single problem with it. That amp with a fretless 4 string Thumb bass would be balanced with Evan. There is no need for amps like we were playing stadiums. Banking money from jobs is what is important. Not being mobile and being extremely addicted to cigarettes is why big rigs creates an unbalance to where people rush out and pawn their gear. Simplify with amps like that, both of you, so that we can focus on the musicianship of playing in a group.


I bet whoever actually earned their own money gets pissed off that their kids think they can get away with doing that when they have kids. To be honest I get pissed off when people think they can get away with illegal drugs even when they don't have kids. Can you imagine what it would be like if he knew how to make it on his own and can you imagine what it would be like if they were the ones responsible for bringing the coke into America? It's not over, tonight is going to make them be able to find a lot more illegal drugs and while its making them make less money its saving a shit load of peoples lives.

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The story of this snare is my Dad made me play a pawn shop kit for the first ten years of my marriage because I needed to prove to him that I could be an adult, buy a instrument, and not sell it. I wanted a higher end the snare than what I got from Ben Sumner's Dad's pawn shop. I traded in a Fender Squire Jazz Bass and at Guitar Center and got this $350.00 model OCDP snare. What is interesting that the same year OCDP shut down their operation. I am not sure what happened but OCDP drums aren't made anymore. Chad Sexton from 311 has such a signature OCDP snare sound on all of their recordings. My inspiration from that made me want this snare. I'll be honest I told Richard at Virgin what I had to do for my Dad to trust me with a professional instrument again. I asked him in a letter  that when he saw I got an OCDP snare for my Pawn shop kit would he use his billionaire status to make OCDP make a business move to where OCDP drums aren't made anymore. It happened. I am thinking 2050 A.D. perhaps. Because it goes that long with being a brand that isn't around anymore, how much will I get a bid for on ebay in 2050 for this snare I only made a $350.00 trade for? It pops. It is really high pitched. 


This idea I have for forming a show with Admiral Twin and Methodose in 2026 would be a great way to bring a paying crowd into Cains. Evan could get free radio advertising for it. It would give Bub, Jed, and Evan time to adjust with our band functioning again. The fact they have kids, they need to have a paying job and find balance with keeping a paying job while Methodose is functioning.


I played at Cains Ballroom for a Methodist Summer reading program. We played Revelation Song at this. I can still remember the night I got out of jail for a suspicion of a dui. My cell mate was going into prison for murder. I was afraid he was going to get violent with me for taking a dump in the middle of the night when our cell was locked. I put the notes together for Revelation Song and mailed them to Virgin and addressed the letter to Richard just asking him to give it to the right people to be made.


I have Jed and Bubs cell numbers now. I want to complete the puzzle with Evan and or if Evan isnt in we need to find someone.


I would like to set up a show with Methodose and Admiral Twin at Cains Ballroom in 2026. In order for me to put a practice together I need to know if Evan is in. We are going to keep jobs so we can keep gigging.  

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Fall 2024 - Public schools started today. I was thinking about how there was so many people at Jenks that worded how I turned out as a high school drop out. Honestly It would probably be a full time job for me to be able to get to where I could pass a GED test at age 40. I got my Pharmacy Diploma from CCC, since then I have taken Intro To Business and gotten an F and I have taken Drum Set Fundamentals and gotten an F. What value I expected Rachel Dorsett to want to Marry me with was that I could get illegal drugs. When shit hit the fan I worried that God might not let me get away with it unless I told her Parents what was up so we could get clean.

Michelle was with me all through CCC and a lot of girls did my homework. But I did pass all of tests, the finals, and the skills tests. It was something that I earned. Michelle was there when I graduated. I don't think she would taken marrying me seriously unless I could prove I could get through it.

With Berklee Online I failed my first class. Non of my friends text me anymore. I have no one coming over to jam. Its why my Dad understands it was necessary to build a website that wasn't social media. I would try harder at Berklee I think if things were going on with my friends that play instruments.



Christian marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a lifelong covenant between one man and one women, uniting them in self-giving love, joy, and faithfulness. It is ordained by God for the procreation of children. We havent had jobs long enough to even consider trying to pay for a kid.

Seriously Michelle became suicidal having to put up with their trash. We need to find her a job and instead of being healthy enough to keep it for one year this next job we need to get it to where things are stable enough where she gets paychecks ongoing for 30 years.


Submission to God's appointed earthly authorities helps me to resist pride and grow in humility, and promotes the justice and peace of society in which human life flourishes.

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I am down to only these three prescriptions now. Lithium, Risperidone, and fluoride. I was guilty of creating a circle jerk with a c3 hypnotic sleep aid, or amphetamine for years. I think the way I was with it kept me off illegal drugs but also it created such a circle jerk I couldn't keep a job. I had to use amphetamine and wellbutrin to quit smoking, but now that its over this is all I need to stay balanced. Anymore and the idea of acquiring real cash and building it up in my checking account would be a fantasy. 24/7 there is no time I can't drive. 

Fucak Art Tra A Mart

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They called Jesus Teacher

What healing has God Brought in your life? Make sure you testify it to others!


This is Bub and I at the Tool concert. Fear Inoculum tour. When I was in that apartment with no cable or internet all I had was a mesa rig and a cell phone. I wrote the music for Invincible to be theme song for how I wrote the White house and used what it says in the constitution to use my voice to say "they should let everyone vote on it", so there can be dispensaries. It brought crime off the street and now people can find it, get it and not get felonies. I have mailed so many things to Virgin and famous shit has been made by it since 2001. I am telling you if Methodose gets our shit together I am positive for how many ideas I have given him for free he will help us put our albums in stores.

For nothing in the houses of the members of Methodose L.L.C. to be of the Unclean.


I bought this bass from Evan for $300.00 when a drummer he was playing with bought my Mapex kit for 3k I had stacked up in my first apartment alone in my early 20s. This was the apartment where I wrote the notes for the Invincible music and also wrote the White house wording a letter from the constitution that it would make sense to let every state vote on it being legal understanding what Vertigo means. In that apartment I had a Musicman Bongo bass, a Mesa Boogie M pulse 600 head, and a 2 by 10 powerhouse cabinet. Like I said it created an unbalance to where I needed cigarettes, I didn't have the internet, and it seemed so hopeless getting Methodose together again. We all 3 did a bunch of stuff instrumentally that lead to nothing. If Evan ever came back into my Office of Prayer, I would sell his bass back to him. He sanded off the finish and did the carvings. Since I bought it for $300.00 I have had 2 luthiers work on it. One to do the wiring and one to glue the cracked headstock. Regadless we are going function but if Evan wanted to keep this bass at his house I would insist he put $750.00 into my checking account. It took a lot of work to restore this bass. I knew I could do it, that is why I bought it from him. For him it has sentimental value. He would give $750.00 and I would probably buy a sub woofer for my P.A. with the cash he gives me for it to be his again. 



Election: choosing, selection. God's sovereign decision to choose people to be His own.

My medication ran out tonight. I have just two bottles of pills I get filled every month now. I need to go to the Pharmacy on Monday morning. Every night after I take a shower, brush my teeth with prescription fluoride, floss, and take my 2 pills, I always get pretty drugged up on zquil. It really helps make me less manic, be calm, and sleep. Its why I took Zolpidem for so long but I had to get rid of the controlled substances. Michelle did too. Currently neither of us get any controlled substances. 

I watched how they were on Facebook. It made me hurt that night after night my Dad was being so faggity and he just couldn't sit there and not chat. Because he was being so gay towards me it forced me to leave the house every night in the middle of the night and drive to the post office and put money in the box to their church. I question what Tim thought of me in regards to how my Dad didn't use Suzie to buy Michelle and My house and also how Kaitlin and I have had sex and she was prison for 5 years for 155 counts of fraud. It really did make all of our lives a living hell. I think Tim was very angry at me and wanted to blame me because when I started sending FUMC bible study notes and bills of money in the middle of night 5 days a week Tim got attacked by Cancer and died really quick. How it was made him very angry at me and his resentment towards me was making my Parents turn against me.

I'll say it. My Uncle George came to our house for the first time and was extremely aggressive and angry at my Mom in her own house. That night I mailed a 20 dollar bill to FUMC, within a month he died from Cancer. I don't understand why he was so angry at my Mom? It always made me really mad that he thought God would let him get away with drinking like that.

We all know it ties Tithing - Cancer / Fish - Cancer in the Bible. I just look at my tithing record and how so many people were treating us. They all either had a seizure from debt or they died very suddenly from cancer. I thought that it was unfair that I went to medical school and I graduated. Even when Kaitlin was in prison for 155 counts of fraud her and her brother had better work ethic than me. Like there was something that Kaitlin was doing in Prison that made Tim hate me so bad that I kept giving money to the church and it obviously killed him. My Mom worked at Cancer Treatment center for 20 years what I am saying all lined up to perfectly to not be true. There is so many reasons why they took religion out of public schools. 

They probably say does "Mike give him the money to tithe?" They want my Dad to disown me so bad and never give me money again. Why would it matter if my Dad gave me money and gave that money to the church? Everyone goes to church with their Dad don't they? I wouldn't have ever read the Bible all the way through if it wasn't for my Dad. After Tim's accident, he just sat there drinking and smoking. I could hear how angry he was nightly in my Prayers. Just bitter at the world and especially me. That is how Randy Barnard was too because I found LSD, gave it to Keir, Harley was Keir's neighbor. I refuse not to say that Randy was incredibly pissed off at me, I gave money ongoing through it all to the church. I just want to put it out there that the bible ties cancer and tithing. Even with Debi Gordon. I do tithe money my Dad gives me. When people get cancer in result of it I question what they think of me. Because of Meth and LSD, they were like me, we were doing any illegal drug we could get our hands on, our parents were ready to disown us. If Rachel and I wouldn't have done freedom recovery one of us would have gotten a felony.

O Lord, Father and Governor of all my whole life, leave me not to their counsels, and let me not fall by them.

So the question is we are all 3 almost 40. Extremely clean and all educated. Would Marlon and Joni get Harley and Keir and electric upright and keyboard, buy them both 150k houses in my neighborhood so we can start the A - J.G.B. Quintet? It would be so cool if we lived in the same neighborhood now that we are adults. If we had instruments we could just walk to each others houses and never drive to drink liquor with each other.

I would say if we did that and we got Amy in to lead the Quintet with a flute and we all practiced and worked extremely hard why not my Dad buy a Pizza World, put a stage in it for our quintet, and I start to reclaim the business that gave my biological family their money?

If we all three lived in this neighborhood we could Master our Primaries and if someone harasses us with their gun we will each send a 1k check to a church and then we will drive to a body of water and each try and catch a fish. The Summer after 5th grade Tool didn't quote my conversation with Mr. O and release Aenima until the Summer before 6th Grade. I still remember when Harley, Keir, and I were in Boy Scouts and we tackled the 10,000 Lakes in Minnesota. We figured out the Map to where we walked over the Canada border out in the woods on the Lakes. To this day I still remember how we had to take my Dad to the emergency room when we got home because he was so dehydrated. Marlon was with us on that trip too. I am probably not that bold to go camping for that many days in a row ever again.


Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the uses which ye may have of him: for the Lord hath created him.

Praying in times of suffering:

I should pray trusting in the sufficiency of God's grace and in joyful assurance that "suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame."

I was miserable for years because it was such a circle jerk the only way to control so many people I know is to put them at the level of thinking for themselves is if they stand at a cash register to work. If they didn't have that they had so little self control, that they would do something where a cop would confront them and get a judge to put them in prison for 5 years. For so much of it I just wanted to be quite and accept it. Because Heaven is where home and the fact they were trying to prove that their kids made more money than me while they were in Prison made my Dad such a control freak that when people started harassing me with their guns, we hadnt used the phones in so long that I was forced to file for divorce.

I am astonished how little grace they have. Teaching them to play an instrument would be impossible.

A man that useth much swearing shall be filled with iniquity, and the plague shall never depart from his house; if he shall offend, his sin shall be upon him; and if he acknowledge not his sin, he maketh a double offense.


It must be hard finding Kaitlin a job that has to do with money with what she got time for. Why doesn't she try ringing a bell for Salvation Army in December with homeless people. It pays 9 or 10 an hour. If you stuck with it all through December you would be far from filing 0 on your taxes. There is a cook out September 5th where you sign up for this Season. The Metro command is at 21st a Sheridan I think. It could be just what you need. Non Profit Faith Based. Its work that if you do it will be step of a all year long job overlooking that horrifically irresponsible fraud felonies you have. Just buy a shit load of long Johns. I have seen you driving. You don't have to ride their bus to do it. They will let you drive your own vehicle to do it. It's a way where she would make 1.5k in December if she stood in the cold 5 days a week. What is interesting about it is I think the reason why they employee homeless people to do it is to keep them off the streets and out of prison.

I just want to clarify that Marijuana did not get put on the States ballets because I was trying to make it seem like what Shannon Shell did with Marijuana plants seem right because she got 5 years. I have seen Shannon exercising by our neighborhood and I have seen her driving by my Parents neighborhood. When Michelle and I broke up my Dad didn't give me money for it to work the 3rd time. I wrote the letter to the White House after I spent 4 nights in jail for a suspicion of a dui, my Parents filed a missing persons report, the judge convicted me of nothing. I had no alcohol in my system. It was a fender bender. The night I got home I read the constitution and I figured out how I needed to word my letter. At the time I had no friends I had the internet taken away from me for a while. I wanted to make it to where I could find it and not get arrested. Its interesting how it worked it out how I don't smoke and Michelle is the only one of us with a card. I am glad my Dad didn't give me money for sex to work with Shannon. If we had sex it is obvious it would of been a full time job making it to where we were steady. Its why Im glad it didnt work out like that. I got to my Wedding and we have no stds.


I just wanted to say I wrote the letter about putting it on all of the states ballets when I was like 22. I didnt want it to happen in Oklahoma until I made the commitment with a girl that we were going to be loyal and good to each other and stick with it. 

Indica - Sativa / Vertigo

God's Name is holy in itself, and God glorifies his Name by saving fallen humanity, by building his church, by establishing his kingdom in this world and in the age to  come. 

It is from the Anglican Catechism. I can tell when people question if people should be saved. That is the role that Baptist take. Should someone be baptized? Heaven is where home is. I think Rusty is driven to go way overboard on being a wigger because of how little money he has. He should try cutting his hair short, not wearing a stocking cap when its hot outside, try bringing some Christian music in that house on that stereo.

The way I want to go about Methodose is we won't run out of money. People's careers end really quick if illegal things come into it. I remember when I was real young and I wrote Richard at Virgin about finding Michelle and asking him if he could get Hootie and the Blowfish to make a song with me with specific lyrics about dying free in N.C. that is where one of my best friends Harley is. He went to UNC. I wanted to find a girlfriend from N.C. 

Hootie just got busted for cocaine. He has to use a lawyer. He is not a violent person. But getting arrested with illegal drugs is going to make anyone make less money. That is why I am shooting Berklee out there and us doing work with the DARE program for Methodose.

I am only scheduled to work 2 days a week at Bios. I'll be honest how my Dad and Mom are about to go on their last New York Life trip I am thinking about other paths to take than just Bios. When I worked at Reasors I stopped because being on Adderall messed up my blood pressure so bad when I took it and I was in public. I am not sure about what I am going to do. All I know is I am struggling to get Bub to commit to a practice schedule. I am hoping that now I took the liberty to find Jed on the net and get his email and cell number that maybe Bub will be  "more in" now that he knows that Jed is a text away. Two years ago when I was ringing bell for salvation army at a Walmart Neighborhood market Evan and his Wife found me. Look all I am saying is I have other options now I am off Adderall. I could apply at groceries stores too and I won't have to quit because I am  not on any controlled substances anymore. When Methodose gets full again and we are practicing strong with Jobs like we used to be. No one will be able to fuck with us if it is 100% clean all of the time. I would have so much easier of a time handeling keeping a job if all four of us were texting eachother all the time talking about our band!



The last three years of fishing licenses have been a lot of pond fishing. Since I am on a schedule and I have a list how to keep my job, I will most likely get a nice truck and when I do I want to do some driving to Grand Lake or something and find places to fish besides Hunter Park.


This is my desktop xylophone. At the place where my gear occupies a larger office I would like to get to a point to where I have a minor and a major from Berklee Online and also buy a full scale sized Marimba for the Methodose studio to be my secondary instrument.

I would like to take more private percussion from Stephen Craft on the xylophone. I wouldn't go back to TCC to do it though. If we got a little building I would just write the Jr. College a letter and ask if I could pay Stephen to come to our practice space and give me a lesson once a week. Stephen is the Principal Percussionist for the Tulsa Symphony.

Wisdom shall praise herself, and shall glory in the midst of her people.

The Gospel is the good news that God loves the world and offers salvation from sin through his Son, Jesus Christ.

I thought as Zeke as my Spirit animal for a long time. Meke is now. You know what I was thinking about? When Michelle was gone and I had filed for divorce. I quoted the Bible with covid - 19 the night before she came home. Within 24 hours that I quoted it Zeke started having cancer attack him. With Michelle flying back and finding that blood. I knew I had to quote it. What I am wondering is did God decide to take Zeke because my Mom bookmarked that part of the bible so I would figure out how to quote it? Cancer is a part of life and the bible that is so hard to explain. My Mom didn't graduate ISU but when she finished TCC she decided to do her work at Cancer Treatment Center. She coded there for 20 years.


I need to go tell my Dad thank you for letting my charge a couple thousand dollars on his credit card. It was expensive getting the air conditioning unit fixed. The electric bill is going to go down now.

What I want now is for Bub to come over once a week and for us to get down and dirty at drilling getting tight playing together every week. His kid has graduated high school now. I am pretty sure they live with Bub's Parents. It would be really good for everyone if we start working again within a budget,

dawwag - dag

But as soon as they heard that his brother Simon was made High Priest in his stead, and ruled the country, and the cities therein

For yet greater evils than those which thou hast seen happen shall be done here after

Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your Holy Name; through Christ our Lord Amen - For Purity

The work of priests: Serving Christ with their bishops, priests (or presbyters) nurture God's people through the ministry of Word and Sacrament and pronounce absolution and the blessing in God's Name.

How are you tempted to worship other gods? I am tempted to trust in myself, my pleasures, my possessions, my relationships, and my success, wrongly believing that they will bring me happiness, security, and meaning. I am also tempted to believe superstitions and false religious , and to reject God's call to worship him alone. 

What is the "communion of the saints"?

The communion of the saints is the fellowship of all those, in heaven and on earth, who are united in Christ as one Body, through on earth, who are united in Christ as one Body, through one Spirit, in Holy Baptism.

God prohibits murder because every human being is made in God's image, all human life is sacred, from conception to natural death. Therefor, I may not take the life of others unjustly. For example they teach kids in elementary school that internet gun harassment and shooting someone with a gun is illegal. I think the reason why it defines rap music in a circle jerk because a lot of rap music puts murder in people's hearts. It's necessary to have an education to be taught to make a home not a environment that is identical to hell.   

Liturgy is an established pattern or form for the worship of God by God's people. It unites us in Grateful response. Once I have a jpeg file of Evan and Jed's college degree and a jpeg file of all four of our Marriage certificates that are filed at the Tulsa County Courthouse. Being that organized I would feel comfortable about having Eric Clark make a Methodose bass drum head image using the Star Of David symbol and because I had those jpegs on the computer where I manage our website. Using the Star David symbol would be balanced not unbalanced where people, if we were having sex and I had  illustrated proof that all of us are Married. We are getting closer to this being organized enough to where people wouldn't criticize me if I put that Star and Our band name on my Bass Drum Head.

Methodose having a steady gig.

I wanted to raise the question what would we play if we had a steady gig? I think it would be a really good idea for the four of us to start organizing a catalog of covers for Methodose. I don't know what Methodose's steady gig will end up being but if we work hard in the practice setting where we have a list of covers we can nail along with originals that is the equation where it will become more realistic that someone will have us play where we will get a paycheck for being on a stage.

It's not the right time to say "what would that steady gig be?" But it is the right time to practice enough to where, as a band, we are worthy that if someone offers to pay us play we can fill those shows.

I don't think Methodose playing at a restaurant every month and being put on a paycheck system is out of the question. All I want to say is we don't want to drive around playing on different stages to get popular but we make no money. What about learning a ton of songs and playing the same place every month? We would grow that way and be working to constantly to put new songs together as a band.

God is not responsible for Evil. 

The sinful choices of creatures do not implicate God in evil in any way.

Deuteronomy 30:15 - 19

I tithe to 6 different churches to celebrate the fruit of the holy spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

While godly anger is a just response to wickedness and injustice, we are more often led into ungodly anger by fear, pride, and revenge. We should therefor be slow to anger and quick to forgive.

Morning and Evening 

The Daily Office is primarily designed for corporate prayer but it can also be used by individuals in public or private. Asking for absolution once in the morning and once in the evening  is something that is a necessary practice for people in projects to do to stay successful.    

Father Carl from Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit has called three times now to remind me about the newcomers class. Its at 9am every Sunday. I need to go. My plan is wake up the 28th a 39 year old, put on cackies and a tie, take a Adderall pill, and go to the church and pay attention, bring my catechism book for Anglicans. There will be communion with Wine. That is the plan. I need clean clothes and my meds before it would feel right. I am going to say the 28th I am going to the New Comers class.


My drum teacher I grew up with isn't teaching in Tulsa anymore. He has opened his second store in the Tahlequah area. What I will say about Berklee Online is I don't want to do it alone. Since Bub's son has graduated high school now if Bub worked on a home recording set up and we networked about school daily, we were eating dinners at each others houses, someone else was in Berklee Online too from Methodose L.L.C. then I could see signing up for another Semester. How it is now I just need signatures and drivers licenses from all four of us. We should all four do Berklee Online! 


This is what is left from the two Methodose releases I packaged that Eric Clark pulled of from the audio of Jorges 2001 videos. I sent a copy to a record store to each city where a person from the Berklee Online class I tried lives to ask about consignment at a record store in each city. 

Once all 3 members email me about their gear and profile. I need cell numbers for Evan and Jed and I need all 3 of your addresses. For our host to set this up to where it's 4 terminals and it has a info hub they need cell number and addresses. Also I will go to the post office and mail all 3 of you a copy of each of these when I get your addresses.

There are the two Methodose Vinyl's I have had printed. There is probably 2 of each for sale at Star Ship Records and Tapes in Tulsa. 

I wouldn't try to spend the money to try and profit selling vinyl's again unless Methodose was at a point to where it was formed and organized. It costs $35.00 to get one printed from Kunaki. 


We like doing Picnics at Woodward Park!


Drum Mics


Whenever I got my Tascam pocket studio Michelle bought me my first kit of drum mics. I have 8 pieces on my kit so to mic each drum individually I bought a second higher end kit. It works well for home recording using my Shure SM57 and Shure SM54 for over head mics for recording drum tracks. Then where Eric Clark uses Studio One in an apartment where he is going to be able to afford and keep. He has kept a job at Walmart for 15 years. Micing up my drums and mixing them for home recording is a two-person job. That is our little Doom Fish ENT system of recording drums at my house.


Bub - amp

Be transportable-be mobile. From my Perspective Bub's Fender is his own nice Primary Guitar. I am really fond of the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Combo amps. You should earn 1k and buy a nice combo amp. If we used my P.A. for private parties people would take us more seriously if I bought a sub woofer to go along with the 2 speakers on stands. My Mixer has floor monitor outs, controls for the outs, and a sub woofer out.


I have a direct box, where a xlr cord will go to the mixer and you can plug an acoustic or electric bass into it and run it through the P.A.

I know I saw how Jed bought his acoustic guitar. I know Bub has an acoustic Electric. This is the only direct box I have but I do have one if we want to run a acoustic through the P.A.


I turn 39 July 24th.  My primary instrument is a 8 piece Mapex Armory Drum Kit. I entertain the idea that eventually I will play the drums in a group of people where I would be able to handle my monthly bills by paying gigs. I entertain that idea but also to make sure I can always have something to fall back on when I put time into a project and it doesn't work is I did a 9 month Pharmacy Technology Diploma. That is how I got hired for all of my U/A collector jobs.

For everyone involved. To get content to me that regards the construction of this website email me at

- Eric Johnson


I started Hubert's Quill during the two years Michelle and I broke up. I was a week away from graduating CCC and I stopped going because well I lost my fiancée  and she was the only one with a job. Hubert Humphrey was a Pharmacist before he was Vice President. He worked in a Pharmacy in Minnesota. My Pharmacy diploma was why we did that. The Quill was Eric C's idea but I really liked it because I wrote a letter to the White House using my right of motion to put Marijuana on all of the States ballets to vote on. I don't smoke weed but it really balances my Wife. 

There was a time in America when you could be Grandfathered into being a Pharmacist and it didn't require medical school and becoming a Doctor. There was a time when cocaine was in sodas in Pharmacies in America. But in the year 2024 where people are cooking meth in houses and cocaine is extremely illegal now how illegal drugs makes people unemployable but also the way they are with their guns makes me not even interested on working with them on things like Vacations. You can't let people like that mess with your money. It's more than annoying. Its more like I wouldn't invite them to my house because I am afraid they would bring illegal drugs into something that has cost my Parents couple hundred thousand dollars to get to where we are at.

My Dad has a client that he buys houses from the courthouse that are in weird situations and then he sells them for a profit. My first house became owned with a 70k transaction. To own the property we live in now it cost my Dad 145k. If you look on a google search of the progress of what this house looks like since we bought it we have done so much work on it. New Roof, Paint Job.

My Parents live in the neighborhood a couple blocks away. My Dad is going to retire with half a million, two houses paid off, and Pension - SSI which will give him 7k a month until he dies. He is in his 70s. He doesnt smoke.

When my Grandpa died and my Grandma went to a home to be comfortable she made the decision to tare down their house. That Army Airforce house isnt there anymore. It kept flooding.

I don't plan on moving again. I want to take the house my Dad bought me to its fullest potential.

In the event of a divorce there will be a replacement but the third time your debt will be really hard to fix. The equation we have come to where my Dad is only going to keep going at New York Life for another year it would be hard to afford to move again. Michelle and I need to learn to both keep jobs and it go for 30 years. We are set up to have careers. When you get really old you have to be careful of debt because debt will kill you if you are to old to work.

Eric's College Diploma

When getting a 2024 Truck I always think about selling our Camry and putting a fishing boat in the second space of our garage instead of having two vehicles.

I always talk myself out of it though. For two people to have two separate jobs of paid employment in a Marriage, it would be impossible to have two jobs that has responsibilities, with just one vehicle between two people. With both of us being able to hold good jobs that isn't fictitious places of employment our Marriage will be able to afford to keep 2 vehicles that aren't jalopies in good condition and we will also be able to afford to keep one kid in a safe vehicle ongoing so we can raise a son to know how to work, provide, and gather for his significant other when it comes time for me to buy a house for my son like the Bible explains a Father needs to do. Adoption would be a beautiful thing. I have lived it my whole life.

My Grandfather obviously had a gun. He made the start of his money by being a Sargeant in the Army Airforce in WW2. His house in Watseka Illinois was just one story. It was on an acre and the driveway was really long, black asphalt. There was a huge American Flag pole in the front Yard Acre. He was stationed on Aircraft Carriers in the Indian Ocean "India" during WW2 keeping China in Check from WW2 going further than it did.


My Dad and the best Man at his wedding were both Business Majors at Illinois State University in the Early 60s. Both of them raised both of their families without guns in their house. I had a bee bee gun when I was I kid but that is the only gun I have ever shot and a duck hunt gun on old school Nintendo NES.


With the idea of adopting one kid and bringing them into our marriage I will take the same approach by not having a gun in my house. Heaven is where home is. There will never be another World War. When the second World War was over the Governments, World Powers of the world put a system in place where World War will never happen again. There is 10 police officers that live in mine and my Parent's neighborhoods. We live in a safe part of town.


I have a nice pocket knife I take when I go fishing and that is it. 

Eric's Poles

High School, I wrote songs for Coldplay, Jason Mraz, Sister Hazel etc.

This photo was taken in 2002

My kit 2024
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