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Lowes is clean and stable. Part of the 3k Eric's Roth IRA is worth is invested in Lowes in the Large Cap section of his portfolio. 

Eric message -

I was looking in my diploma text books about carpal tunnel and you were also talking about weight loss with prescription drugs. I would buy Calcium and take it every night. I went from 300 to 200 with Adderall. Exercise and diet is how you are going to manage your weight. You can't drug yourself heavily to suppress your appetite your whole life. You can use my treadmill anytime you come over. Just bring work out clothes, You can use the guest bathroom. If you did what I did to quit smoking you might loose 100 pounds. Its one of the reasons why I want to get my earned income lined up because I stay thinner always being on a C2 stimulant.

    The 6 of us in Methodose are working to where we would be ready to play a song on Seth Myers Late Night. Also we are fishing to write a new album with the money to Government is going to give us for LLCing our band and with 3k of the money we want to record a album at Valcour Sound, finish without any debt, and the album be worthy on putting together a 5 show tour with the Out Trio.

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